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Books: All books
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Order by
Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Category
cover የአማርኛ እንቆቅልሾች [Amharic Riddles] ብርሃኑ ገብረ ፃድቅ [Birhanu Gebre Tsadik] 0   10591 የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children Books]
cover የኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ ታሪክ [The History of Ethiopian Music] ተስፋዬ ለማ [Tesfaye Lemma] 0   11509 ታሪክ [History]
cover የኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ 1847 - 1983 [Ethiopian History 1847 - 1983] ባሕሩ ዘውዴ [Bahiru Zewde] 0   54233 ታሪክ [History]
cover የወንድ ምጥ [The Man Labor] ይስማዕከ ወርቁ [Ysmaeke Worku] 0   13995 ግጥሞች [Poetry]
cover የጥንታዊት ኢትዮጵያ ፍልስፍና ታሪክ [History of ancient Ethiopia Philosophy] ወሰን ይፍሩ ተክለአብ [Wosene Yefru TekleAbe] 0   66709 ታሪክ [History]
cover የጦር ሜዳ ውሎ [In the War Front] ተስፋዬ ሀብተ ማርያም፡ ብ/ጀነራል [Tesfaye Habte Mariam; B/General ] 0   7556 ታሪክ [History]
cover የጭልፊት ጥፊ [Falcon slap] አለም እሸቱ [Alem Eshetu] 0   5975 የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children Books]
cover የጳውሎስ ኞኞ ስብስብ ሥራዎች ጳውሎስ ኞኞ 0   6705 ልብ ወለድ [Fiction]
cover የፊደል መማሪያዬ [My alphabet text learning] እሌኒ ማተሚያ ቤት [Eleni Printing Press] 0   5866 የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children Books]
cover ያልመሸ ትናንት [Yalemesh Tenant] ሰላም ፕሮዳክሽን [Selam Production] 0   5059 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ያልታሰበው [Yaltasebew] EZRA Entertainment 0   4905 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ያልደረቀ እንባ [Yaldereke Inba] አዲስ ፊልም ፕሮዳክሽን [Addis Film Production] 0   5072 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ያንቺው ሌባ [Yanchew Leba] Samy Plus Production 0   4870 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ያይኔ [Yayenie] Samy Plus Production 0   5083 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ደመኛው ደብዳቤ [Enemies Letter] ገብረመድህን ግዛው [GebreMedhin Gizaw] 0   7262 ልብ ወለድ [Fiction]

For your information (FYI)

The Amharic books listed can be taken out from MCPL Silver Spring branch with these steps:

  1. Click this link below to hold the Amharic books on-line (you need to have library card/PIN):
  2. Identify the Title and Author from above
  3. Go to 900 Wayne Ave.  Silver Spring, MD 20910, to pick up your hold books or give the Title/Author to the librarian for check out.


Locate Amharic books by category -- click the links below:


የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children/Young Adults books]

ልብ ወለድ መጻሕፍት [Fiction books]

ታሪክ መጻሕፍት [Historical books]


የሕይወት ታሪክ መጻሕፍት [Autobiography books]


ግጥሞች [Poetry books]


የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]