የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
Amharic Films located on this section. |
Cover | Title | Authors | Rating | Hits | |
ሀ-ግዕዝ [Ha-Geez] | በሀሁ ፊልም ፕሮዳክሽን [HaHu Film Production] | 6627 | |||
ማክቤል [Makbel] | A Yonas Berhane Mewa Film | 6504 | |||
ሰላበይ አራዳ 2 ሙዚቃ ቅንብር [Selabey Arada 2 Music Collection] | Evangadi Production Presents | 5135 | |||
ስለማይዘነጋ ውለታ [Selemayezenga Wuleta] | የኔነህ ተስፋዬ (ካርሎ) [Yeneneh Tesfaye (Carlo)] | 5214 | |||
ስር ሚዜዋ [Sere Mizewa] | ፀጋ ፕሮዳክሽን [Tsega Production] | 5430 | |||
ሼፉ [ Shefu] | KAM Global Picutres Production | 5181 | |||
ባለቀለም ህልሞች [Colorful Dreams] | Fitsum Asfaw | 5423 | |||
ብርርርርርር…. [Birrrrr…] | Nahom Records Inc. | 4972 | |||
ቫለንታይን [Valentine] | የኤርሚያስ ታደሰ ፊልም [Ermias Tadesse Film] | 5181 | |||
አማረኝ [Amaregn] | KAM Global Pictures | 5266 | |||
ኤፍ ቢ አይ [FBI] | Arkey Sera Production | 5319 | |||
እሾሀማ ፍቅር [Eshohama Fiker] | Samy Plus Production | 5908 | |||
እንደገና [ Endegena ] | እዝራ ኢንተርቴይመንት [ Ezra Entertainment ] | 4960 | |||
ኦቴሎ ዴዝዴሞና [Ottelo Dezdemona] | Samy Plus Production | 6257 | |||
ከመጠን በላይ [Kmeten Belay] | EZRA Entertainment | 5319 | |||
For your information (FYI)
The Amharic books listed can be taken out from MCPL Silver Spring branch with these steps:
Click this link below to hold the Amharic books on-line (you need to have library card/PIN):
http://mdpl.ent.sirsi.net/client/catalog/search/results?qu=amharic - Identify the Title and Author from above
- Go to 900 Wayne Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910, to pick up your hold books or give the Title/Author to the librarian for check out.
Locate Amharic books by category -- click the links below:
የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children/Young Adults books]
የሕይወት ታሪክ መጻሕፍት [Autobiography books]
የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]