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የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]

Amharic Films located on this section.

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Order by
Cover Title Authors Rating Hits
cover ሀ-ግዕዝ [Ha-Geez] በሀሁ ፊልም ፕሮዳክሽን [HaHu Film Production] 0   6627
cover ማክቤል [Makbel] A Yonas Berhane Mewa Film 0   6504
cover ሰላበይ አራዳ 2 ሙዚቃ ቅንብር [Selabey Arada 2 Music Collection] Evangadi Production Presents 0   5135
cover ስለማይዘነጋ ውለታ [Selemayezenga Wuleta] የኔነህ ተስፋዬ (ካርሎ) [Yeneneh Tesfaye (Carlo)] 0   5214
cover ስር ሚዜዋ [Sere Mizewa] ፀጋ ፕሮዳክሽን [Tsega Production] 0   5430
cover ሼፉ [ Shefu] KAM Global Picutres Production 0   5181
cover ባለቀለም ህልሞች [Colorful Dreams] Fitsum Asfaw 0   5423
cover ብርርርርርር…. [Birrrrr…] Nahom Records Inc. 0   4972
cover ቫለንታይን [Valentine] የኤርሚያስ ታደሰ ፊልም [Ermias Tadesse Film] 0   5181
cover አማረኝ [Amaregn] KAM Global Pictures 0   5266
cover ኤፍ ቢ አይ [FBI] Arkey Sera Production 0   5319
cover እሾሀማ ፍቅር [Eshohama Fiker] Samy Plus Production 0   5908
cover እንደገና [ Endegena ] እዝራ ኢንተርቴይመንት [ Ezra Entertainment ] 0   4960
cover ኦቴሎ ዴዝዴሞና [Ottelo Dezdemona] Samy Plus Production 0   6257
cover ከመጠን በላይ [Kmeten Belay] EZRA Entertainment 0   5319

For your information (FYI)

The Amharic books listed can be taken out from MCPL Silver Spring branch with these steps:

  1. Click this link below to hold the Amharic books on-line (you need to have library card/PIN):
  2. Identify the Title and Author from above
  3. Go to 900 Wayne Ave.  Silver Spring, MD 20910, to pick up your hold books or give the Title/Author to the librarian for check out.


Locate Amharic books by category -- click the links below:


የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children/Young Adults books]

ልብ ወለድ መጻሕፍት [Fiction books]

ታሪክ መጻሕፍት [Historical books]


የሕይወት ታሪክ መጻሕፍት [Autobiography books]


ግጥሞች [Poetry books]


የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]