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Books: All books
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Order by
Cover Title Authors Rating Hits Category
cover ሰላበይ አራዳ 2 ሙዚቃ ቅንብር [Selabey Arada 2 Music Collection] Evangadi Production Presents 0   5209 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ሰው እኮ!? [Oh Man!?] ፍስሐ ማንጠግቦት [Fessiha Mantegbot] 0   14058 ልብ ወለድ [Fiction]
cover ሳውና [Sawuna] መሰለ መንግሥቱ [Mesele Mengistu] 0   15708 ልብ ወለድ [Fiction]
cover ስለማይዘነጋ ውለታ [Selemayezenga Wuleta] የኔነህ ተስፋዬ (ካርሎ) [Yeneneh Tesfaye (Carlo)] 0   5293 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ስም ከመቃብር በላይ [Name above the grave] ጌታቸው የሮም [Getachew Yerome] 0   10025 ታሪክ [History]
cover ስር ሚዜዋ [Sere Mizewa] ፀጋ ፕሮዳክሽን [Tsega Production] 0   5507 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ስንቅ [Food for Journey] ኢሳይያስ ልሳኑ [Essayias Lesanu] 0   7261 ግጥሞች [Poetry]
cover ሻሾ [Shasho] ብሩክታዊት ጥጋቡ [Beruktawit Tegabu] 0   7898 የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children Books]
cover ሼፉ [ Shefu] KAM Global Picutres Production 0   5269 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]
cover ቀበጧ ሃኒና [Solid Hanina] አስቴር በዳኔ [Aster Bedane] 0   8332 የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children Books]
cover ቀናሁ በጨረቃ [I envoy the moon] ኢሳይያስ ልሳኑ [Essayias Lesanu] 0   8354 ግጥሞች [Poetry]
cover ቂሉ ማሞ [Silly Mammo] Retold by Gebregeorgis Yohannes 0   8176 የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children Books]
cover በኢጣሊያ በረሃዎች [The story of a Hero-Patriot of the Italo-Ethiopian War] ሻምበል አብዲሣ አጋ [Colonel Abdisa Aga] 0   15863 የሕይወት ታሪክ [Autobiography]
cover ቡጡ እና ዲኖ [Butu and Dino] ዳንኤል ነጋሽ [Daniel Negash] 0   8491 የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children Books]
cover ባለቀለም ህልሞች [Colorful Dreams] Fitsum Asfaw 0   5496 የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]

For your information (FYI)

The Amharic books listed can be taken out from MCPL Silver Spring branch with these steps:

  1. Click this link below to hold the Amharic books on-line (you need to have library card/PIN):
  2. Identify the Title and Author from above
  3. Go to 900 Wayne Ave.  Silver Spring, MD 20910, to pick up your hold books or give the Title/Author to the librarian for check out.


Locate Amharic books by category -- click the links below:


የልጆች መጻሕፍት [Children/Young Adults books]

ልብ ወለድ መጻሕፍት [Fiction books]

ታሪክ መጻሕፍት [Historical books]


የሕይወት ታሪክ መጻሕፍት [Autobiography books]


ግጥሞች [Poetry books]


የአማርኛ ፊልሞች [Amharic Films]